Analysis of RANS turbulence models by calculating the steady-state flow in the Turbine-99 draft tube


  • Andrey Vasilievich Sentyabov Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS
  • Andrey Anatolievich Gavrilov Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS
  • Aleksander Аnatolievich Dekterev Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS
  • Andrey Viktorovich Minakov Siberian Federal University



computational fluid dynamics, swirling flow, turbulence models, hydro turbine, draft tube


Numerical simulation of the flow in the Turbine-99 draft tube is presented. Axisymmetric inlet boundary conditions were used for steady state simulation. Modern RANS turbulence models, implemented in the CFD package SigmaFlow, were considered for simulation of the swirling flow in a hydraulic power plant. The investigation confirms the validity of the proposed numerical methods for calculating the stationary flow.


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How to Cite

Sentyabov, A. V., Gavrilov, A. A., Dekterev A. А., & Minakov, A. V. (2013). Analysis of RANS turbulence models by calculating the steady-state flow in the Turbine-99 draft tube. Computational Continuum Mechanics, 6(1), 86-93.